This was a product animation for a small company to promo and launch their card game to Amazon and retail stores. It was a adult theme Simon Say card game with beverage involved but not necessary required. The box was made with 8K textures from vector cutout of the actual retail units. There are 2K texture of all card 200 pieces with the actual texts but we ended up not needing to showcase them. This project used 8K texture due to close up shots and the focus of the subject. Every texture was made using a combination between Blender, Photoshop, and Illustrator. I also created the title sequence animation using Blender with the physic engine for the dices, some key frame manipulation, and some post-editing in After Effect. All the animation sequence were render at 120 fps as requested by the video editor for easy manipulation of the clips.
Below is the Final Video edited by BC Harutyunyan.